Tribute By: Hassan S. Alorainy BSRC, RRT, FAARC |

Ladies and gentlemen, friends one and all. Thank you for being here to celebrate the life of the marvelous man who brought us all together - John A. Wolfe. I'm Roger A. Wolfe and i was priviliged to be both John's brother and his friend. John lived a rich life and one of his many talents was as a musician - though he took a lot of ribbing for playing the banjo. We thought music should be a big part of this celebration and we're grateful to John's friends Jeff and Judy for setting the right tempo this afternoon. John used to play with them, in groups called "The Hot Jam Family Band", and "Judy and The Giblets". We'll have some more music in just a bit, but we're going to take some time to give all of you an opportunity to share some of your memories of John. One of our family's favorite stories comes from my sister Joyce. She was 11 when John was born and loved to play with dolls. So John became her living doll. She dressed him up as a girl and paraded him around the neighborhood in a baby carriage. One night Joyce was babysitting when mom and dad were gone. It was against the house rules to listen to "Tarzan" on the radio because it was too scarry. But Joyce had it on anyway, and began fantacizing about being stalked by a Leopard - an unlikely event in Springfield, Illinois. Joyce was practicing her escape - running through the house with her "living doll" in her arms. She dropped john on his head. We've all thought, that maybe that's what made John just a little bit "different." But he was unique in such a wonderful way. He enriched all of our lives, and his spirit is with us in all of our marvelous memories. Please share them this afternoon. Introduce yourself, and say how you knew John. We'll start with one of John's oldest friends who came here from half way around the world - Hassan. |