Providing quality home respiratory care to pediatric
patients presents a uniquely rewarding opportunity for HME
providers, and may present some community service and
marketing opportunities as well. Providing education and
follow-up support to anxious families of a child with asthma
or other chronic respiratory condition often requires an
unusually high commitment of staff time.
However, superior service also provides an opportunity for
home care dealers to set themselves apart from the competition
with simple, cost-efficient measures that up the ante on
standards of service.
Environmental Assessment
comprehensive environmental assessment of the home is
generally outside the scope of care for most providers. HME
dealers may see the need for environmental assessment, but
they lament the lack of reimbursement for time and materials.
A room-by-room assessment of environmental triggers, followed
by an in-depth discussion with the family, is at odds with
shrinking reimbursement rates and the need to make efficient
use of staff time. In fact, the time and attention spent on
such an expedition might actually detract from the clinician’s
ability to properly focus on teaching the fundamentals of
delivering an effective breathing treatment and cleaning and
caring for equipment. But that is no excuse to ignore obvious
environmental antagonists and address them with the
Smoking is perhaps the number one environmental factor that
should be addressed with families of children with asthma or
other respiratory conditions. Parents should be asked in a
matter-of-fact, nonthreatening manner, “Is there smoking in
the home?” Parents who smoke often convince themselves that by
blowing the smoke the other way, or smoking in the next room,
they have eliminated the threat. Just as hospitals have
finally begun asking parents if they smoke and informing them
about the effects of smoking on children, HME providers need
to consistently remind them that smoking affects a child’s
While it may be beyond our mission to inspire parents to
quit smoking, it is our responsibility to correct any
misinformation that suggests second-hand smoke is not harmful
to others in the room. Consumers have to hear a commercial
message numerous times before they buy a product, and
likewise, smokers have to hear the message that smoking is
harmful to others in the home. They need to contemplate the
change before they begin to modify their behavior. Parents are
now being advised that if they feel they can not quit smoking,
they should consider smoking outside and wearing a smoking
jacket to keep the smoke off their clothes.
Other triggers can easily be identified, and HME providers
can give families information about where to look, and how to
take basic measures to reduce their children’s exposure to
common household asthma triggers.
• Eliminate the source of the trigger. Sources of excessive
mold and mildew-causing moisture in the home should be reduced
or eliminated. Families may have to weigh the benefits of
keeping a beloved house cat against the health costs of having
their child started on oral steroids to counteract the
constant effects of living with a feline.
• Keep dust levels down. Poor housekeeping can have a huge
effect on respiratory health, and there is a clear correlation
between dirty urban environments and increased asthma rates in
children. Dust mites are a well-known asthma trigger.
Cockroaches (specifically their droppings) are a major asthma
trigger and may even have a causative role in the disease.
• Make the bedroom a safe space. Air filters have a hard
time cleaning the air for a whole house—the volume of air is
overwhelming. But a bedroom can be turned into a “clean room”
by keeping the door closed, removing the carpeting, banning
dogs and cats, and continuously running a high-capacity air
filter. The filter can run at higher speeds by day and at a
lower, quieter speed at night. A third or more of a child’s
day is spent sleeping in his room at night, making it
relatively easy to take control of allergens during that
Information is Key
When we observe
children with respiratory disease living in squalor, we should
at least provide their parents with information about the
benefits of cleaning up the house. Providing families with
information about environmental assessment and second-hand
smoke is both free and easy. Flyers and pamphlets are
available for free or for a minimal fee. The Environmental
Protection Agency Web site features a one-page flyer called
“Clearing the Air of Asthma Triggers” (http://www.epa.
gov/iaq/ asthma/images/10_steps_en .pdf) that can be copied
and included in the materials you already provide. And the
American Lung Association has excellent materials specifically
addressing second hand smoke. Call 800-LUNGUSA to connect with
your nearest chapter.
Incorporating these materials into your pediatric home care
routine is not difficult or time-consuming, but it can make a
fundamental difference in helping families realize that asthma
affects everyone in the home. Successful treatment requires
educational reinforcement from everyone on the health care
team, and participation of the entire family.
Community Involvement
One of the most
rewarding aspects of providing respiratory home care is the
opportunity to become involved in the community and help our
patients connect with the resources that are available. Asthma
education programs are springing up in communities across the
country, and these programs depend on physician’s offices,
community health clinics, and HME providers to refer
appropriate patients to their services. These programs are
often offered free of charge or for a minimal fee, as
hospitals and third-party payors begin to analyze the cost
associated with not providing asthma education to the people
who need it the most.
Cindy Coopersmith, RRT, is a certified asthma educator and
manages the “Taming the Tiger” asthma education program at a
Colorado hospital. She says, “Every time you meet someone with
asthma, it’s a teachable moment. If we are respiratory
therapists involved in home care, we should not let these
moments pass us by.”
If your community has an asthma education program, why not
include promotional information about it with every setup
involving an asthma diagnosis? If your community does not
already have an asthma education program, there is an
opportunity to work with respiratory departments and
physicians in your community to create one.
The American Lung Association’s “Open Airways for Schools”
program for children, ages 8 to 11, is an excellent place to
start because the materials and format have already been
created. Open Airways can provide an important service for
children with asthma whose disease often goes undetected or
Does your community have a summer camp program for children
with asthma? These camps typically offer comprehensive asthma
education to grade school and middle school children in a
1-week residential or day camp atmosphere. You can assist your
patients and your community by helping recruit campers and
volunteers. Many of the volunteers who staff these camps are
asthma and allergy specialists, pulmonologists, and
respiratory and nursing staff from hospitals and medical
practices. HME providers can contribute important expertise
and problem-solving skills. Clinical staff that have not
worked in the home care environment are often at a
disadvantage when trying to provide respiratory care in the
field. They welcome the insight and solutions HME providers
can provide. By volunteering for programs like asthma camp,
you can make an important contribution, and distinguish
yourself from the competition at the same time.
The American Association for Respiratory Care and the
American Thoracic Society have become increasingly involved in
the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute “Test Your
Lungs—Know Your Numbers” drive, encouraging physician’s
offices to provide basic spirometry screening for everyone.
This is in response to the unfortunate fact that so much lung
disease goes undetected until it reaches an advanced stage or
an acute crisis. Community screening events require competent
staff to perform the testing. Community health screens can
specifically target children, adults, or both. HME providers
can work with physicians’ offices and respiratory therapy
departments to provide leadership in planning, promoting, and
executing the events.
Providing our patients with access to important resources
and encouraging them to get involved in managing their disease
can make the difference between merely providing equipment and
the satisfaction that comes with knowing we made a difference.
And becoming involved in our health care community can have
tangible payoffs as well. In time, we can stop seeing our
clients as “referral sources,” and begin to know them as
fellow associates. Before long, they will see each of us as a
competent, committed professional rather than as just another
“sales rep.” A demonstrated commitment to making a difference
in the community can keep us connected and position ourselves
as real leaders. The opportunity is knocking; we have only to
open the door.
John A. Wolfe, RRT, works at Poudre Valley Hospital in
Fort Collins, Colo. He can be reached via email;