Although, we didn't spend a lot of time together growing up, he was always something special. I am a better person for having a Uncle John in my life.
I'm thinking of you all, John's memory will live. United States
Loving Nephew
David Turco - Charlestown, RI
While I only met him once in person, my wife and I are so saddened by his death. John seemed as if he lived joyfully and passionately in the time he had, and I hope his family takes solace in this. I will miss his warm wit and radiant smile.
Greg Thompson - Editor, Home Health Care Dealer/Provider Fort Collins, CO
I am an ER nurse who regularly relied on John to assist me in my job. His smile and quiet professionalism will be missed.
I did not know John well but, I will never forget him.
Carrie Tempalski - Fort Collins, CO
I worked with John on a variety of projects through American Lung - and always admired his passion and energy for everything he took on.
His influence in this community - and untold others, will keep his beautiful spirit and memory alive for all of us.
Susan McColl, RN - Fort Collins, CO
I have had such a great ride learning and teaching with John. His enthusiasm and dedication is contagious and all who know him call him FRIEND. I was so glad to visit with him at the chili cook off a couple of weeks ago. We critiqued the many entries together. I never knew how critically ill John was and I guess that he didn't want me to worry about that. So many memories and only 1000 words. I'll miss you Johnny.
Dennis A. Bradberry RRT - Johnstown, CO
I didn't get to know John very well, but when he came to interview me for an article, we hit it off very well, and we had quite an interesting conversation. He was full of enthusiasm for music and ideas, the kind of person whose company makes the day brighter. I'm sad to think I'll not get to know him better. My heart goes out to those close to him.
Pete Wernick - Niwot, CO
John has been a great friend since we attended Fort Hunt High in Alexandra VA together in the late 60s. We enjoyed a number of concerts by Peter, Paul and Mary and Simon and Garfunkel over those years together. After high school, we went separate ways but we stayed in touch. I remember when he visited me in Williamsburg, VA after returning from Saudia Arabia and was so excited by all the trees and how green everything was. He said Saudi was pretty much all brown with very few trees. I will miss his great letters, emails, pictures, counsel and friendship. My best to Pam and all the family.
Chris Ward - Williamsburg, VA
Our deepest sympathy to your family, especially to John's caring and loving brothers.
Joe Vasos - Fort Collins, CO
John was a customer initially and became a friend. John was a blessed and renowned Respiratory Therapist. John was an exceptional person of character and he has blazed a proven trail for others to follow. What I liked most about John was he was always bringing friends together to have a good time while doing good deeds. Thank you John.
Rich Roppa - Windsor, CO
John was an amazingly kind man who gave of himself even in times when he should have had little to give. But somehow, he found the resources to continue giving. It was my pleasure to know him. He was a good writer (that's how I met him) and a fine man. He will be missed and he will be remembered.
Kay Rios - Fort Collins, CO
John, was above all an honest, kind ,generous and good man... something we all can only hope to be said about us when our time to be judged comes.
I am proud to be among his many friends and look forward to the day we meet again - Mando
Julio A Rodriguez - Fort Collins, CO
I met John only once, briefly, but I was privileged to know his father, Cecil, and his brothers, Roger and Gary, for many years. Through them I learned much about John, his wisdom and talents, his professional achievements, and just how much his family loved him. To know and love such a family, and to feel their love over the years could not help but make John's life a lasting memorial and a gift to all of us.
Fred Shook - Denver, CO
John-E-Baby...our oldest and dearest friend. You’ve really been more like a family member to us- someone we could always count on, someone we could be 100% ourselves around and know you loved us completely, someone with their own bedroom in our house!
There was nobody more enthusiastic, more realistic, more levelheaded or giving in our lives than you. You were like a dog with a bone when it came to your passions, and you worked hard to make good things happen.
You were such a good dad to your kids, and you were so crazy about Pam. I loved the way you had such a huge appreciation for all of your blessings. I remember being impressed when, after your tenth anniversary, you gave us all the details of your dinner date-even describing the pretty shirt Pam wore with tiny flowers on the collar. You said that you just couldn’t believe that someone so pretty and smart was on that date with you. You taught me to count my blessings too.
We sure enjoyed a lot of music together over the years, and a lot of road trips, dinners out, concerts and cocktails. It just seems like you’re still here John. It will take some getting used to.
Thanks for all you taught us, and for all the happiness you brought into our lives. We love you and will miss you so much.
We hope you’re pickin’ some tunes with Bing.
Lots of Love & Good Memories,
Judy and Jeff
Judy Jaros - Englewood, CO
John was an awesome individual full of passion in all that he did. I enjoyed the conversations we had as fellow RTs. I will miss John. He and his family are in my prayers.
Allen Wentworth - Highlands Ranch, CO
John was one of NCMC's superstars. He did a great job publishing work we completed and he is solely responsible for us attaining national recognition.
John will be greatly missed at NCMC.
Edward Amend - Loveland, CO
John was a wonderful colleague with such a passion for our profession! Although I did not get the opportunity to know him well, I was inspired by his work. He will be missed dearly by the respiratory community. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
Kari Woodruff - Littleton, CO
I had the honor to work with John (Wolfie-as he liked to be called) at NCMC. John worked for the Respiratory Care department but was housed in the Sleep Lab. When John was at work the atmosphere was so positive, happy and upbeat. Wolfie always put an extra sparkle in everyone's eye and you wanted to be around John all day. John was so humorous and he I think most of us find it was an honor to have been friends with John. John we love ya-
Your Sleep Angel
Missy (Michelle) Walling - Greeley, CO
I did not know John personally, but I feel as if I did through my friendship with his friend Cindy Coopersmith...Cindy and I walk together every Wednesday, and she has shared so many stories of bravery and kindness and love and humor throughout John's ordeal...It is good that we have this kind of person on the earth, even if for too short a time...